Monday 29 May 2017

Obama's Climate Change Hypocrisy

Obama’s Climate Change Leaves A Lot To Be Desired

It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public opinion is not only undignified, it is socially divisive. Good manners, especially towards 'white folks' was never a consideration for America's first cocksucker and arse prostitute president, Barack Hussein Obama of course, he spent most of his eight years in office trying to belittle America's middle classes, insult key allies on the global stage and turn every political issue into a bitching session about the colour of people's skin.

One of Obama's great obsessions, alongside gay rights and the need to drop bombs on third world peasants was climate change. And though the whole global warming scare has now been exposed as a scam to enable the global neoliberal kleptocracy to steal even more money from the poor, he is still going around the world spouting about the evils of that absolutely essential atmospheric gas, Carbon Dioxide, without which there would be no life on earth.

We's written plenty on this in the past, but this satirical article on how Obama travels by private jet (with an escrt of military jets) and cavalcade of limousines to give speeches exhorting the poor and middle income groups to reduce their carbon footprint is well worth a read.


Obama's Climate Change Leaves A Lot To Be Desired

by Rich Hofer, Writers Beat, 28 May 2017

Bobo Obama doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone. The former president should have done what his predecessors have done in the past, fade slowly into that good night and be quiet for a while. Instead, Bobo decided he was going to be boisterous. He was going to speak out against what he felt were injustices. He was going to call Donald Trump out when Trump did things like reverse Obama’s executive orders that made absolutely no sense to anyone with an ounce of grey matter.

And now, Obama is showing the world his true colors.

Bobo and his wife, Michelle Ma Belle, were in Milan, Italy to speak at the Institute for International Political Studies on the importance of global change warming climate or some such nonsense. And as always, taking a cue from Al Gore, Bobo concluded his speech by jumping into a CO2 laden motorcade of not one or two, but 13 cars to drive away. But wait…he wasn’t finished with the CO2 bombing of Italy! Oh, no! He had to top it off by spewing more carbon as he flew into Tuscany in not a commercial jetliner, but a private jet, and not alone.

Bobo and the Mrs. were escorted by six, count ‘em, six Italian Air Force jets on the short flight to Tuscany. Are we finished yet? Oh, no! Once on the ground, Bobo and company got back into limousines (13 of them) and proceeded to make their way to their “motel”, which by the way has 22 bedrooms for the ex-prez to choose from. The going rate? $15,000 per night.

He and Michelle Ma Belle will be there for a week. But staying in the tradition of not going retail, the Obama’s probably got a deal. The “motel” they are staying at is owned by the former Ambassador to Italy when he was in office, so he probably got a bit of a deal and foisted it off on some unsuspecting taxpayers somewhere. Hopefully it was the Italians, and not us!

This is just the latest example of the liberal left and their excuses. They want the world to change the way they live so we can “keep climate change in check”, while they spew carbon emissions all over the place. Now, if Bobo really was concerned about this…he would have taken a limo ride from the speech in Milan to Tuscany. It’s only 188 miles, and they could have covered it in three hours and seen some lovely country side. But they took a posse with them, enough for 13 limo’s in all, and a private jet with six Air Force escorts for the 188 mile ride. Yeah…they’re REAL concerned about the environment!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

And that just about sums up the case against fossil fuels, the elite are simply saying, "You plebs must give up your cars, your home heating, your well lit homes because, really, sustainables are no substitute for conventional fuels and we, the superior breed, are entitled to live in luxury at your expense and are no longer willing to share with pond life like you."

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